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Giles Lawson Johnston Engraved Glass | Giles first started engraving with his late father, Andrew Lawson Johnston, when he was 8 years old – some 30 years ago! Andrew, Giles' Father, was a very talented glass-engraver and held the Royal Warrant for artist in glass.

Specialist hand engraving uses a dentist’s drill with diamond tip burs to etch and carve images into the glass. This is usually all done on commission basis and is engraved on Crystal. For the sand engraving, Giles sketches out an intricate design in black and white. It is then photographed onto a gel mask with a uv light box, and washed out and dried. The mask is then stuck onto the glass and taped up to protect from the sand. It is then sprayed with a sand gun by hand.  Once this has been cleaned up and polished, it creates a wonderful unique and easily personalised product. Giles also engraves Gordon Castle Gin bottles which are hugely popular and a perfect bespoke gift.

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